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The project is about bringing science fiction to reality. I look at science fiction movies, the future appears to be far away. What if I made it to become a reality? I have started drawing the shapes that represent the future, which led me to create a 3d printing, to show the meaning of my response from science fiction films and the nature of its connection to the space in which it exists. Then I developed visual narratives and then presented the form of the final outcome which is vases to express my original intention.




Created with Sketch, Adobe Photoshop Sketch, Blender, Adobe Illustrator and Nikon Camera.

Science fiction films gave me the guide to the imagined aesthetics of the future and reading the behind the scenes of classic sci-fi book which explores the trends and digital visualization methods in science fiction films from pasts. Then I studied the reality for the future by attending the exhibition Moving to Mars in the Design Museum, where designers show their work for the future; living on Mars. From there, I found out the designers are aiming to use nature, to help humans survive with the oxygen, and so they designed buildings that can have plants built into them to ensure the survival of humans on a planet without natural oxygen. Then I used the unique shapes that are likened to futuristic designs stepping away from traditional shapes and structures already associated with buildings. This has reformed my models to vases, that have flowers representing that plants are always a part of survival and so are essential for the future. 

© 2022 by Samah Asif.

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