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Adobe Premiere Pro





A month











The task was to create the activist as a designer along my personal side. The best approach is to create a documentary film focusing on awareness on how this relationship between technology and the body affects people who have a disability.  This can be an advertising tool in the form of activism. This project is based on my dissertation as my topic is about ‘The Territory of Design, Disability and the Future: How does Sci-Fi Affect the Future and the Lives of Disabled People?’ This has been inspired from when I was watching films and these films show disabled characters using technology to help them and overcome them.



Anchor 1

Beyond the Strength and Senses

Technologies that make characters have more skills than normal people.

Body Weapons

Technologies that are used to hurt people.

Brain-Controlled Interface

Technologies that connect to the internet.

Multiple Needs

Technologies that can do multiple different things.

Good and Evil

Technologies that are used to save people or kill people.

Realistic Background

Technologies where people use and show off their struggles.

Fake Normal

Technologies that would act as limbs.

Beyond Human

Technologies that make characters have more skills than normal people.

Good and Evil

Technologies that are used to save people or kill people.


Technologies that would act as limbs and show off their struggles.

Anchor 2



From movies, animations and tv series, I came up with these terms that represent how disability is defined. From these terms, I decided to summarise it into three simple terms to explain this and allow the audience to understand.

I’ve been sketching the ideas by using the footage from the media.


The feedback from the audience was very helpful as they would tell me of their opinion on this documentary video, such as changing the voiceover.  


The challenge was the feedback of my script, that they would like me to speak because of my personal disabilities and they would think coming from a disabled person would give a stronger point to this documentary video. Also, I can’t pronounce some words, the solution was to put the subtitles in order to understand.  



I created a poster using Adobe illustrator.This is the poster of my film where the robot leg and wheelchair are mirrored against each other.


The wheelchair and robot legs are opposite technologies fro a similar purpose. One restricts you, wheelchair, while the other allows you to walk whilst also pro- viding super human strength.


I asked audience to choose one of the poster. From there, I created the slogan and title. 

© 2022 by Samah Asif.

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